



  • 完成你的 握手 配置文件.
  • 上传你的履历,让雇主看到你.
  • Find local, regional, national 和 international job 和 internship postings.
  • 报名参加校园面试.
  • 根据你选择的专业或领域确定雇主联系方式.
  • View 坦诚的职业 videos for employment preparation 和 researching careers.


  • 回顾前 雇佣哈士奇的雇主. 在仪表板上滚动查看职位名称和
  • 查看拥有以下资格的雇主名单 雇佣哈士奇做实习生.
  • 查找与你专业相同的人都获得过哪些工作或实习头衔.
  • Use the list of employers to give you ideas of what types of employers to look for elsewhere.
  • 找到组织列表后,使用 LinkedIn握手 识别联系人.


We are thrilled to connect our students with our Employer Advisory Council. This council serves as a bridge between academia 和 the professional world, 为像你这样的学生提供宝贵的人脉和就业前景. 作为关键资源, 该委员会提供了现实世界的见解, 行业趋势, 和指导, ensuring that your academic pursuits align with the dem和s of the ever-evolving job market. This partnership forges connections that could open doors to internships, 合作的经验, 甚至是全职工作.

登录握手 更多地了解每家公司,了解他们的工作和实习情况!


Scam "job opportunities" often take the form of "personal or office assistants" 和 frequently ask an individual to purchase items for their business, 为公司存支票, 或者在供应商和企业之间进行销售谈判. What the scam is attempting to do is get the individual to deposit a fraudulent check (that will bounce in a few days/weeks) 和 purchase items or send personal checks with their own money. They are also attempting to collect personal information that could be used in future identity theft (address, SS#, 银行信息等.).

If you are a current student 和 believe you have been contacted by a job scam, 请将所有电子邮件转发到就业中心 careercenter@zynzbl.com 或致电320-308-2151讨论情况. The 职业中心 is available to talk with students about any job posting prior to responding to an inquiry. Please talk with a trusted advisor before responding to any job posting.  此外,你可以在网站上搜索该公司 商业促进局.


  1. 不要通过电子邮件向雇主提供任何个人信息.
  2. 为每个在线帐户使用不同的强密码.
  3. Change passwords more frequently for accounts with access to confidential data.
  4. 切勿与他人共用密码.
  5. 每当怀疑或好奇的时候, 谷歌的一切, 网站地址, 名称使用, 公司提到, 电话号码, 所有电邮地址, even sentences from the emails as you might be unpleasantly surprised at what you find already posted online.
  6. Consult the 职业中心 or a trusted advisor if you have questions about any job posting that seems “fishy” or too good to be true.



Online scammers are becoming much more sophisticated in their attempts to lure victims, 特别是使用电子邮件链接到虚假网站. It is increasingly difficult to tell the difference between legitimate 和 counterfeit online sites. There has been a recent uptick in phishing attacks at institutions across the country.


Over payment scams are designed to entice you with quick money in advance of doing any work. 他们通常被宣传为私人助理, 行政助理, or book-keeping positions needed to assist with processing checks 和 orders for supplies, 或者神秘/秘密购物. 新员工被指示将支票存入银行, 把他们的工资拿出来,把剩下的钱汇给他们的经纪人. These fraudulent checks will quickly bounce 和 leave the new employee out thous和s of dollars 和 facing criminal charges.

  • Does not list a company name or the job advertisement is vague about the position 和 requirements.
  • Comes from an email address that doesn’t match the company name (most legitimate companies will use the company domain instead of a Gmail, Yahoo或Hotmail帐户).
  • 招聘启事上写着“不需要经验”。, 或者雇主对你的工作经历或技能不感兴趣.
  • 关于工作的信息不在公司的信笺上 在交流中使用错误的语法或标点符号. The company sends multiple recruitment letters 和 are sometimes identical letters from people with different names but the same job title.
  • 提供一大笔钱,几乎没有工作.
  • A job is offered without the submission of a resume, or after a brief or no interview.
  • 要求你支付申请费.
  • 要得到这份工作,需要预先付款. 例如:一个需要在家工作的软件程序, 或者培训材料, 信用或背景调查费用, 工作签证, 或者旅行费用.
  • 想让你把钱从一个账户转到另一个账户.
  • 在你做任何工作之前给你寄支票.
  • 要求您提供信用卡或银行帐号.
  • 请求是通过电话提出的, 文本, 或电子邮件索取个人信息(社会保险号), 出生日期, 驾驶执照号码, 信用卡信息, or bank account information) so that paychecks can be directly deposited.
  • 说明您必须通过电汇或快递付款.
  • Offers you a large payment for allowing the use of your bank account – often for depositing checks or transferring money.
  • 寄给你一张出乎意料的大额支票.
  • 招聘人员要求你为同样的职位招聘其他人.
  • 招聘人员会迫使你接受这份工作.
  • A person high up the corporate ladder (CEO, company owner, or HR Director) is recruiting you.
  • 一家公司找你谈一份你没有申请的工作.
  • 这个工作机会看起来好得令人难以置信. 这方面的例子是高薪轻松的工作, 初级工作的起薪很高, 或者工资远远高于类似工作的典型工资.

No legitimate employer will send payment in advance 和 ask the employee to send a portion of it back. DO NOT provide any personal information especially social security numbers or financial information.


直接接触是引起雇主注意的关键. 大多数公司在网上发布的简历从未被看到过. Get the advantage by connecting with employers who attend job or career fairs.

  • 私立大学招聘会 — Use the site to identify job 和 internship postings 和 employer contacts.
  • 大多数工作和实习展览会在St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城's campus will have the employer lists available in 握手 活动前一个月.
  • 就业中心也列出和链接到 招聘会.


Many employers use Google to advertise their job or internship openings 和 many others design their job posting websites so their positions will show up on the first page of a Google search.
  • 尝试不同的职位和工作地点. Example: Nursing jobs in Minneapolis; Nursing jobs in Twin Cities.
  • 如果你需要一些关于职位名称的想法,记得查看 毕业后的成果.



  • 在每一个 项目职业页面, find links for career specific job or internship posting 和 career information sites.
  • 研究表明,通过“利基”网站,如 MN非营利组织理事会电视工作.
  • 专业协会网站(例如 美国公共关系协会 公共关系专业或 IEEE 工程师)和其他职业特定的网站. 通过以下方式查找:
    • 问教授
    • 与在你感兴趣的领域工作的人建立联系
    • Google (for example “marketing professional associations” OR “communications professional organizations”)
    • Use “目录 of Associations” or “National Trade 和 Professional Associations” in the 米勒中心.
    • LinkedIn


Make sure you work ONLY with agencies that are 100 percent free to c和idates.
  • Employment agencies most active in recruiting new college grads include:
    • Pro 工作人员, Aerotek, Grad工作人员, Robert Half/Accountemps, 和 Career Professionals.
  • To find the agencies with specialties that fit your interests, research Employment Agencies online.


  • 网络 这是大多数人找工作和实习的首选方式吗.
  • LinkedIn是一个很棒的社交工具. 学习如何 在你的人际网络中增加一百万人.
  • 电话查询. Although your first contact with an employer may be through email or LinkedIn, 电话交谈是很好的后续行动.
  • 面对面的交流是最理想的. 记得利用我们的 职业活动.
